Action Alerts

ACTION ALERT: How to Resign From PSC-CUNY Faculty Union

Join 7000+ Who Are no Longer PSC Members: Its Formal Adoption of the Racist BDS Movement Has No Home at CUNY


Dear Colleagues,

Last week, after the PSC formally and illegally adopted the racist BDS movement and has announced that it will divest investment funds from Israel, scores of CUNY employees have been emailing us at S.A.F.E. Campus asking us how to resign from the PSC-CUNY faculty union.


Join THOUSANDS who are no longer PSC members and give yourself an automatic 1% raise, too. Below is all you need to know in order to resign and get your salary back from dues that are going to funding antisemitism and so many other non-work related activities.


Concerned about losing any benefits? Read on:

1. By freeing yourself from PSC-CUNY you will NOT lose ANY benefits related to your medical, dental, optometrical or prescribed drugs insurances.

2. The only thing which they will take away is the NYSUT sponsored basic life insurance. Many people do not have this insurance, and if you do, you are PAYING extra for it. It’s NOT a “covered” benefit by PSC. You can use that money to buy another plan.

3. PSC-CUNY hoodwinked many people into signing “the Blue Card”. If they got you to sign it, they tricked you into waiving your right to leave the union except during a 10-day per year window. This 10-day window depends on the date you signed “the Blue Card”. If you are not sure about having signed “the Blue Card” or about your 10-day window period, follow instructions from Paragraph 4 and from Paragraph 5.


4. The steps here will free you from PSC-CUNY if you did NOT sign “the Blue Card” or if you signed it and you are in your 10-day window period:

4.1. Email:;; and CC to the Human Resources at your CUNY campus.

4.2. Put “Withdrawing from PSC-CUNY membership effective immediately” in the subject.

4.3. In the body of the email write “Dear PSC-CUNY officer, I [identify yourself here – your full name and CUNY college/campus, department affiliation and job description] request to resign from being a PSC-CUNY member effectively immediately. I also immediately rescind permission for CUNY to withdraw, and for the PSC-CUNY to accept union dues taken from my paycheck.”


5. If you are not sure about “the Blue Card” and/or the 10-day window period:

5.1. Email:;;

5.2. Put “Did PSC-CUNY get me to sign “the Blue Card”? If yes, when is my window to resign PSC-CUNY?” in the subject.


5.3. In the body of the email write “Dear PSC-CUNY officer, I [identify yourself here – your full name and CUNY college/campus, department affiliation and job description] request you to inform me if PSC-CUNY got me to sign the so-called “Blue Card” which limits my ability to resign from PSC-CUNY. If yes, please, provide me with a copy of that card and also inform me when is the 10-day period during which I can resign PSC-CUNY and cancel payments of membership dues to PSC-CUNY.”

6. PSC-CUNY union officers and reps may start calling and emailing you, requesting to talk to you before letting you resign or before providing you with information about your “Blue Card”. We suggest refusing to speak with them, and instead requesting that they put everything they want to say in writing.


7. Wonderful lawyers, specializing in defending people harmed by unions, will gladly assist you ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE. We recommend lawyers from The Fairness Center or The National Right TWork Foundation. If you encounter problems and at any time would like to consult a lawyer (for free), please email We will put you in touch with a lawyer.

8. Do not use your CUNY email for any communications with us or with these lawyers.

Your CUNY email can be read by CUNY Administration. It is also permanently stored in CUNY archives.


You are not alone – scores of us already freed ourselves from the PSC-CUNY union, many thousands more now choose to no longer sign on as members, and we will assist you and help you in your quest to resign from the PSC-CUNY.

Keep your hard-earned money. Or donate it to a good cause of your choice. But don’t let it be used for racist PSC agendas that have nothing to do with your terms and conditions of employment.


Your friends at:

Students, Alumni, and Faculty for Equality on Campus (S.A.F.E. Campus)



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